Money for breaking records | Halkirk Games

Halkirk Highland Games, Scotland


Money for breaking records

📁 Uncategorised 🕔19.July 2023
Money for breaking records

In 2023, the prize money that is available for breaking ground, national and world records, totals £21,000.

In the heavy events there is £500 for a new ground record, £1,000 for a world record and £200 for a Caithness record. In the farmers walk there is £400 for a ground record and £200 for a Caithness record.

In the seniors cycling there is £200 for a track record in the 800m scratch race and in the juniors it is £100.

For track and field there is £300 for a track record in the 85m, 200m, 400m, 800m and 1600m.

In the jumping events for male competitors there is £1000 for an all comers record, £500 for the Scottish record and £300 for a ground record. Female competitors in the jumping events will receive £50  for a Caithness record and £100 for a ground record.

Juniors in the track and field events will receive £75 for a ground record in the 200m, 400m, long jump and high jump.

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