Prize money increased for 2018 | Halkirk Games

Halkirk Highland Games, Scotland


Prize money increased for 2018

📁 Uncategorised 🕔27.November 2017
Prize money increased for 2018


Prize money for the main open events in heavies, cycling, track & field, highland dancing, clay pigeon shooting and senior piping will be increasing for 2018. The new prize list is;

1st = £75. 2nd = £50. 3rd =£35. 4th =£25. 5th = £15. Prizes for most points stay the same. There will be two Scottish Championship events in the heavies with £200 1st prize. There is also the cycling 800m Scottish Championship with £200 for 1st.

Money for breaking records is also increasing in a big way.

Heavies. World records= £1,000. Ground records = £500. Caithness records = £200. Farmer walk record open = £400. Farmers walk, Caithness record = £200.

Cycling. 800m open scratch record =£200. 800m junior scratch record = £100.

Track & Field.  Jumping all-comers records = £1,000. Jumping Scottish records = £500. Jumping ground records = £300. Jumping Caithness records = £200. Open track records = £300.

Track & jumping records for juniors = £75. Female jumping open records = £100. Female jumping Caithness records = £50.

This will surely entice the top national and international stars in all disciplines, to compete at Halkirk and provide an even greater spectacle

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